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TransEdit.c version 2.0 - TransSkel plug-in module supporting an
arbitrary number of generic edit windows. Each window may be
bound to a file.
*** Requires FakeAlert.c for proper linking! ***
TransSkel and TransEdit are public domain, and are written by:
Paul DuBois
Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center
1220 Capitol Court
Madison, WI 53715-1299 USA
UUCP: {harvard,rutgers,ucbvax}!uwvax!rhesus!dubois
ARPA: dubois@primate.wisc.edu
This version of TransEdit written for LightspeedC. LightspeedC
is a trademark of:
THINK Technologies, Inc
420 Bedford Street Suite 350
Lexington, MA 02173 USA
08/25/86 Genesis. Beta version.
09/15/86 Changed to allow arbitrary number of windows.
11/04/86 Added conditional stuff to allow compilation in
single- or multiple-window mode. Changed version to 1.0.
01/17/87 Changed version number to 1.01. The window type when a new
window is created is documentProc+8 now, so that the window
will have a zoom box on a machine with 128K ROMS.
Default file name in SaveFile is initialized after
SyncAllGlobals - fixing bug found by Owen Hartnett.
01/29/89 Version 2.0. Converted to work with TransSkel 2.0. 2-byte and
4-byte integer types are typedef'ed to Integer and Longint to
ease porting. Added SystemEdit check to Edit menu handler.
The following symbol controls the compile mode. If it is #define'd,
TransEdit allows only a single edit window, and generates less code.
If it is #undef'ed, TransEdit allows an arbitrary number of edit
windows, but generates more code.
# undef singleEdit
# include "TransEdit.h"
# include <ControlMgr.h> /* includes WindowMgr.h, QuickDraw.h, MacTypes.h */
# include <StdFilePkg.h>
# include <FileMgr.h>
# include <ToolBoxUtil.h>
typedef int Integer; /* compiler 2-byte integer type */
typedef long Longint; /* compiler 4-byte integer type */
Edit window types, constants, variables.
# define enter 3
# define cr 13
# define monaco 4
# define shiftKey 0x0200
typedef enum /* Edit menu item numbers */
undo = 1,
/* --- */
cut = 3,
clear /* (it's ok if the host doesn't have this item) */
Default values for edit window text display characteristics
and event notification procedures
static Integer e_font = monaco; /* default font */
static Integer e_size = 9; /* default pointsize */
static Integer e_wrap = 0; /* default word wrap (on) */
static Integer e_just = teJustLeft;/* default justification */
static ProcPtr e_key = nil; /* default key procedure */
static ProcPtr e_activate = nil; /* default activation procedure */
static ProcPtr e_close = nil; /* default close procedure */
# ifndef singleEdit
New(TypeName) returns handle to new object, for any TypeName.
If there is insufficient memory, the result is nil.
# define New(x) (x **) NewHandle ((Size) sizeof (x))
ewList points to a list of structures describing the known edit
typedef struct EditInfo
WindowPtr editWind; /* the edit window */
Boolean bound; /* whether window is bound to file */
SFReply editFile; /* file it's bound to, if bound true */
TEHandle editTE; /* window text */
Boolean dirty; /* whether text modified since save */
ControlHandle scroll; /* scroll bar */
Integer visLines; /* # lines visible in window, max */
ProcPtr eKey; /* key click notifier */
ProcPtr eActivate; /* activate event notifier */
ProcPtr eClose; /* close notifier */
struct EditInfo **eNext; /* next information structure */
} EditInfo, *EIPtr, **EIHandle;
static EIHandle ewList = nil;
# endif
Global variables - most of these are always synced to
the current window. Note that not all these are set by
SyncGlobals, since some are not often needed. When they
are all needed, use SyncAllGlobals.
# ifndef singleEdit
static EIHandle editInfo; /* window's info structure */
# endif
static WindowPtr editWind = nil; /* the window */
static TEHandle editTE; /* window text */
static ControlHandle editScroll; /* the scroll bar */
static SFReply editFile; /* file information */
static Integer visLines; /* number of lines in window */
static Boolean bound; /* true if window bound to file */
static Boolean dirty; /* whether window is dirty */
static ProcPtr eKey; /* key click notifier */
static ProcPtr eActivate; /* activate event notifier */
static ProcPtr eClose; /* close notifier */
static Integer windID = 0;
static Point dlogWhere = { 70, 100 }; /* GetFile/PutFile location */
static OSType creator = 'TEDT'; /* default file creator */
static RgnHandle clipRgn;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Miscellaneous Internal (private) Routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Save and restore the current window's clip region
static SaveClipRgn ()
clipRgn = NewRgn ();
GetClip (clipRgn);
static RestoreClipRgn ()
SetClip (clipRgn);
DisposeRgn (clipRgn);
Draw grow box in lower right hand corner of window.
static DrawGrowBox ()
Rect r;
SaveClipRgn ();
r = editWind->portRect;
r.left = r.right - 15; /* draw only in corner */
r.top = r.bottom - 15;
ClipRect (&r);
DrawGrowIcon (editWind);
RestoreClipRgn ();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Lowest-level Internal (Private) Edit Window Routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
# ifndef singleEdit
Get edit window info associated with window.
Return nil if window isn't a known edit window.
static EIHandle GetEInfo (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
register EIHandle h;
for (h = ewList; h != nil; h = (**h).eNext)
if ((**h).editWind == theWind)
return (h);
return (nil);
# endif
# ifdef singleEdit
# define SyncAllGlobals SyncGlobals
# endif
Synchronize globals to an edit window and make it the
current port. theWind must be a legal edit window, with one
exception: if theWind is nil, the variables are synced to the
port that's already current. That is safe (and correct) because:
(i) nil is only passed by edit window handler procedures,
which are only attached to edit windows
(ii) For those handler procs that pass nil, TransSkel either sets
the port to the window before calling the proc (update, clobber,
idle procs), or the window is frontmost, and so will be the
current port anyway (mouse, key procs).
Hence, using the current port under these circumstances always
produces a legal edit window.
static SyncGlobals (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
if (theWind == nil) /* use current window */
GetPort (&theWind);
SetPort (theWind);
# ifndef singleEdit
Don't need to set these if singleEdit - they will have been set
in NewEWindow...
editWind = theWind;
editInfo = GetEInfo (editWind);
editTE = (**editInfo).editTE;
editScroll = (**editInfo).scroll;
visLines = (**editInfo).visLines;
# endif
# ifndef singleEdit
static SyncAllGlobals (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
SyncGlobals (theWind); /* sync display globals */
editFile = (**editInfo).editFile; /* sync file, state, and */
bound = (**editInfo).bound; /* procedure globals */
dirty = (**editInfo).dirty;
eKey = (**editInfo).eKey;
eActivate = (**editInfo).eActivate;
eClose = (**editInfo).eClose;
# endif
Set dirty flag for current window
static SetDirty (boolVal)
Boolean boolVal;
# ifdef singleEdit
dirty = boolVal;
# else
(**editInfo).dirty = boolVal;
# endif
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Internal (private) Display Routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Calculate the dimensions of the editing rectangle for
editWind (which must be set properly and is assumed to be
the current port). (The viewRect and destRect are the
same size.) Assumes the port, text font and text size are all
set properly. The viewRect is sized so that an integral
number of lines can be displayed in it, i.e., so that a
partial line never shows at the bottom. If that's not
done, funny things can happen to the caret.
static GetEditRect (r)
Rect *r;
FontInfo f;
register Integer lineHeight;
GetFontInfo (&f);
lineHeight = f.ascent + f.descent + f.leading;
*r = editWind->portRect;
r->left += 4;
r->right -= 17; /* leave room for scroll bar */
r->top += 2;
r->bottom = r->top + ((r->bottom - r->top - 2) / lineHeight) * lineHeight;
Set the edit rect properly.
static SetEditRect ()
Rect r;
GetEditRect (&r);
(**editTE).destRect.right = r.right;
(**editTE).viewRect = r;
Calculate the dimensions of the scroll bar rectangle for
editWind (which must be set properly). Make sure that
the edges overlap the window frame and the grow box.
static CalcScrollRect (r)
Rect *r;
*r = editWind->portRect;
r->left = r->right - 16;
r->bottom -= 14;
Return true if the mouse is in the non-scrollbar part of the
edit window.
static Boolean PtInText (pt)
Point pt;
Rect r;
r = editWind->portRect;
r.right -= 15;
return (PtInRect (pt, &r));
Set the cursor appropriately. If theCursor == iBeamCursor, check
that it's really in the text area of an edit window (and if not
set the cursor to an arrow instead). Otherwise, set the cursor
to the given type (usually a watch).
If the cursor is supposed to be set to an i-beam, it is assumed
that the globals are synced, because DoCursor changes them and
syncs them back.
Pass -1 for theCursor to set the cursor to the arrow.
static DoCursor (theCursor)
Integer theCursor;
Point pt;
GrafPtr savePort;
if (theCursor == iBeamCursor) /* check whether there's an edit */
{ /* window in front and if so, */
theCursor = -1; /* whether the cursor's in its */
if (IsEWindow (FrontWindow ())) /* text area */
GetPort (&savePort);
SyncGlobals (FrontWindow ());
GetMouse (&pt);
if (PtInText (pt))
theCursor = iBeamCursor;
SyncGlobals (savePort);
SetCursor (theCursor == -1 ? &arrow : *GetCursor (theCursor));
Calculate the number of lines currently scrolled off
the top.
static LinesOffTop ()
register TEPtr ePtr;
ePtr = *editTE;
return (((*ePtr).viewRect.top - (*ePtr).destRect.top)
/ (*ePtr).lineHeight);
Return the line number that the caret (or the beginning of
the currently selected text) is in. Value returned is in
the range 0..(**editTE).nLines. If = (**editTE).nLines, the
caret is past the last line. The only special case to watch out
for is when the caret is at the very end of the text. If the
last character is not a carriage return, then the caret is on
the (nLines-1)th line, not the (nLines)th line.
(This really should do a binary search for speed.)
static LineWithCaret ()
register Integer i;
register Integer nLines;
register Integer teLength;
register Integer selStart;
register Integer lineStart;
selStart = (**editTE).selStart;
nLines = (**editTE).nLines;
teLength = (**editTE).teLength;
if (selStart == teLength)
if (teLength != 0 && (*((**editTE).hText))[teLength-1] != cr)
return (nLines - 1);
return (nLines);
for (i = 0; /* empty */; ++i)
if ((lineStart = (**editTE).lineStarts[i]) >= selStart)
if (lineStart != selStart)
return (i);
Return the number of the last displayable line. That's one
more than nLines if the text is empty or the last character
is a carriage return.
static LastLine ()
register Integer nLines;
register Integer teLength;
nLines = (**editTE).nLines;
teLength = (**editTE).teLength;
if (teLength == 0 || (*((**editTE).hText))[teLength-1] == cr)
return (nLines);
Set the maximum value of the scroll bar. It's set so that if
there's more text than fits in the window, the bottom line can
be scrolled up at least a little below the bottom of the window.
The shenanigans with topLines and scrollableLines have to do with
the case where there may be less text than fills the window, but
most of it's scrolled off the top. This can happen when you
scroll a bunch of stuff up, then delete everything visible in
the window.
static SetScrollMax ()
register Integer topLines;
register Integer scrollableLines;
register Integer max;
topLines = LinesOffTop ();
scrollableLines = LastLine () - visLines;
max = (topLines > scrollableLines ? topLines : scrollableLines);
if (max < 0)
max = 0;
if (max != GetCtlMax (editScroll))
SetCtlMax (editScroll, max);
HiliteControl (editScroll, max > 0 ? 0 : 255);
Set scroll bar current value (but only if it's different than
the current value, to avoid needless flashing).
static SetScrollValue (value)
Integer value;
if (GetCtlValue (editScroll) != value)
SetCtlValue (editScroll, value);
Scroll to the correct position. lDelta is the
amount to CHANGE the current scroll setting by.
static ScrollText (lDelta)
Integer lDelta;
register Integer topVisLine;
register Integer newTopVisLine;
topVisLine = LinesOffTop ();
newTopVisLine = topVisLine + lDelta;
if (newTopVisLine < 0) /* clip to range */
newTopVisLine = 0;
if (newTopVisLine > GetCtlMax (editScroll))
newTopVisLine = GetCtlMax (editScroll);
SetScrollValue (newTopVisLine);
TEScroll (0, (topVisLine-newTopVisLine )*(**editTE).lineHeight, editTE);
Scroll to home position without redrawing.
static ScrollToHome ()
Rect r;
r = (**editTE).destRect;
OffsetRect (&r, 0, 2 - r.top);
(**editTE).destRect = r;
ClikLoop proc for autoscrolling text when the mouse is dragged out
of the text view rectangle.
The clipping region has to be set to include the scroll bar,
because whenever this proc is called, TE has the region set down
to the view rectangle - if it's not reset, changes to the scroll
bar will not show up!
static pascal Boolean AutoScroll ()
Point p;
Rect r;
SaveClipRgn ();
ClipRect (&editWind->portRect);
GetMouse (&p);
r = (**editTE).viewRect;
if (p.v < r.top)
ScrollText (-1);
else if (p.v > r.bottom)
ScrollText (1);
RestoreClipRgn ();
return (true); /* true = 'keep tracking mouse' */
Filter proc for tracking mousedown in scroll bar. The code for
the part originally hit is shoved into the control's reference
value by Mouse() before this is called.
I suspect odd scrolling may occur for hits in paging regions if
the window is allowed to size such that less than two lines show.
static pascal void TrackScroll (theScroll, partCode)
ControlHandle theScroll;
Integer partCode;
register Integer lDelta;
if (partCode == GetCRefCon (theScroll)) /* still in same part? */
switch (partCode)
case inUpButton: lDelta = -1; break;
case inDownButton: lDelta = 1; break;
case inPageUp: lDelta = -(visLines - 1); break;
case inPageDown: lDelta = visLines - 1; break;
ScrollText (lDelta);
Set the scroll bar properly and adjust the text in the
window so that the line containing the caret is visible.
If the line with the caret if more than a line outside of
the viewRect, try to place it in the middle of the window.
Yes, it is necessary to SetScrollMax at the end.
static AdjustDisplay ()
register Integer caretLine;
register Integer topVisLine;
register Integer d;
SetScrollMax ();
caretLine = LineWithCaret ();
topVisLine = LinesOffTop ();
if ((d = caretLine - topVisLine) < 0)
ScrollText (d == -1 ? -1 : d - visLines / 2);
else if (( d = caretLine - (topVisLine + visLines - 1)) > 0)
ScrollText (d == 1 ? 1 : d + visLines / 2);
SetScrollValue (topVisLine);
SetScrollMax (); /* might have changed from scrolling */
Overhaul the entire display. This is called for major
catastrophes, such as resizing the window, or changes to
the word wrap style. It makes sure the view and
destination rectangles are sized properly, and that the bottom
line of text never scrolls up past the bottom line of the
window, if there's enough to fill the window, and that the
scroll bar max and current values are set properly.
Resizing the dest rect just means resetting the right edge
(the top is NOT reset), since text might be scrolled off the
top (i.e., destRect.top != 0).
Doesn't redraw the control, though!
static OverhaulDisplay (showCaret, recalc)
Boolean showCaret;
Boolean recalc;
Rect r;
r = (**editTE).viewRect; /* erase current viewRect */
EraseRect (&r);
SetEditRect (); /* recalculate editing rects */
if (recalc)
TECalText (editTE); /* recalculate line starts */
visLines = ((**editTE).viewRect.bottom - (**editTE).viewRect.top)
/ (**editTE).lineHeight;
# ifndef singleEdit
(**editInfo).visLines = visLines;
# endif
If there is text, but none of it is visible in the window
(it's all scrolled off the top), pull some down.
if (showCaret)
AdjustDisplay ();
SetScrollMax ();
r = (**editTE).viewRect;
TEUpdate (&r, editTE);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window Handler Routines */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Handle mouse clicks in window. The viewRect is never tested
directly, because if it were, clicks along the top, left and
bottom edges of the window wouldn't register.
static Mouse (thePt, t, mods)
Point thePt;
Longint t;
Integer mods;
register Integer thePart;
register Integer oldCtlValue;
SyncGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
if ((thePart = TestControl (editScroll, thePt)) == inThumb)
oldCtlValue = GetCtlValue (editScroll);
if (TrackControl (editScroll, thePt, nil) == inThumb)
ScrollText (GetCtlValue (editScroll) - oldCtlValue);
else if (thePart != 0)
SetCRefCon (editScroll, (Longint) thePart);
(void) TrackControl (editScroll, thePt, &TrackScroll);
else if (PtInText (thePt))
TEClick (thePt, (mods & shiftKey) != 0, editTE);
SetScrollMax ();
Handle key clicks in window
static Key (c, mods)
char c;
Integer mods;
SyncAllGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
if (c != enter)
TEKey (c, editTE);
AdjustDisplay ();
SetDirty (true);
if (eKey != nil) /* report event to the host */
(*eKey) ();
When the window comes active, highlight the scroll bar appropriately.
When the window is deactivated, un-highlight the scroll bar.
Redraw the grow box in any case. Set the cursor (DoCursor avoids
changing it from an ibeam to an arrow back to an ibeam, in the case
where one edit window is going inactive and another is coming
Report the event to the host.
static Activate (active)
Boolean active;
SyncAllGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
DrawGrowBox ();
if (active)
TEActivate (editTE);
HiliteControl (editScroll, GetCtlMax (editScroll) > 0 ? 0 : 255);
TEDeactivate (editTE);
HiliteControl (editScroll, 255);
DoCursor (iBeamCursor);
if (eActivate != nil) /* report event to the host */
(*eActivate) (active);
Close box was clicked. If user specified notify proc, call it.
Otherwise do default close operation (ask about saving if dirty,
static Close ()
SyncAllGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
if (eClose != nil)
(*eClose) ();
(void) EWindowClose (editWind);
Update window. The update event might be in response to a
window resizing. If so, move and resize the scroll bar.
The ValidRect call is done because the HideControl adds the
control bounds box to the update region - which would generate
another update event! Since everything gets redrawn below,
the ValidRect is used to cancel the update.
static Update (resized)
Boolean resized;
Rect r;
SyncGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
r = editWind->portRect;
EraseRect (&r);
if (resized)
HideControl (editScroll);
r = (**editScroll).contrlRect;
ValidRect (&r);
CalcScrollRect (&r);
SizeControl (editScroll, 16, r.bottom - r.top);
MoveControl (editScroll, r.left, r.top);
OverhaulDisplay (false, (**editTE).crOnly >= 0);
ShowControl (editScroll);
OverhaulDisplay (false, false);
DrawControls (editWind); /* redraw scroll bar */
DrawGrowBox ();
Remove the edit window from the list, and dispose of it.
This is called by SkelRmveWind, not directly by user program.
At this point it's too late to back out if any changes have been
made to the text.
Since the clobber procedure is never called except for real edit
windows, and since the list must therefore be non-empty, it is
not necessary to check the legality of the window or that the
window's in the list.
static Clobber ()
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle h, h2;
# endif
SyncGlobals (nil); /* sync to current port */
# ifndef singleEdit
if ((**ewList).editWind == editWind) /* is it the first window in list? */
h2 = ewList;
ewList = (**ewList).eNext;
for (h = ewList; h != nil; h = h2)
h2 = (**h).eNext;
if ((**h2).editWind == editWind) /* found it */
(**h).eNext = (**h2).eNext;
DisposHandle (h2); /* get rid of information structure */
# endif
TEDispose (editTE); /* toss text record */
DisposeWindow (editWind); /* disposes of scroll bar, too */
editWind = nil;
DoCursor (iBeamCursor);
Blink the caret and make sure the cursor's an i-beam when it's
in the non-scrollbar part of the window.
static Idle ()
SyncGlobals (nil);
TEIdle (editTE); /* blink that caret! */
DoCursor (iBeamCursor);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Internal File Routines */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
static ErrMesg (s)
StringPtr s;
(void) FakeAlert (s, "\p", "\p", "\p", 1, 1, "\pOK", "\p", "\p");
Save the contents of the edit window. If there is no file bound
to the window, ask for a file name. If askForFile is true, ask
for a name even if the window is currently bound to a file. If
bindToFile is true, bind the window to the file written to (if
that's different than the currently bound file), and clear the
window's dirty flag.
Return true if the file was written without error. Return false
if (a) user was asked for name and clicked Cancel (b) there was
some error writing the file. In the latter case, the window is
not bound to any new name given by user.
Always returns false if the window isn't an edit window. This
simplifies EWindowSave, EWindowSaveAs, EWindowSaveCopy. (They
don't do the test.)
static Boolean SaveFile (theWind, askForFile, bindToFile)
WindowPtr theWind;
Boolean askForFile;
Boolean bindToFile;
Integer f;
FInfo fndrInfo; /* finder info */
SFReply tmpFile;
Handle hText;
Longint count;
OSErr result;
Boolean haveNewFile = false;
if (!IsEWindow (theWind))
return (false);
SyncAllGlobals (theWind);
tmpFile = editFile; /* initialize default name */
if (bound == false || askForFile)
SFPutFile (dlogWhere, "\pSave file as:", editFile.fName,
nil, &tmpFile);
if (!tmpFile.good)
return (false);
haveNewFile = true;
if (GetFInfo (tmpFile.fName, tmpFile.vRefNum, &fndrInfo)
== noErr) /* exists */
if (fndrInfo.fdType != 'TEXT')
ErrMesg ("\pNot a TEXT File");
return (false);
else /* doesn't exist. create it. */
if (Create (tmpFile.fName, tmpFile.vRefNum,
creator, 'TEXT') != noErr)
ErrMesg ("\pCan't Create");
return (false);
if (FSOpen (tmpFile.fName, tmpFile.vRefNum, &f) != noErr)
ErrMesg ("\pCan't Open");
DoCursor (watchCursor);
(void) SetFPos (f, fsFromStart, 0L);
hText = (**editTE).hText;
HLock (hText);
count = (**editTE).teLength;
result = FSWrite (f, &count, *hText);
(void) GetFPos (f, &count);
(void) SetEOF (f, count);
(void) FSClose (f);
(void) FlushVol (nil, tmpFile.vRefNum);
HUnlock (hText);
DoCursor (iBeamCursor);
if (result == noErr)
if (bindToFile)
SetDirty (false);
if (haveNewFile) /* name different than current */
SetWTitle (editWind, tmpFile.fName);
# ifdef singleEdit
bound = true;
editFile = tmpFile;
# else
(**editInfo).bound = true;
(**editInfo).editFile = tmpFile;
# endif
return (true);
ErrMesg ("\pWrite error!");
return (false);
Revert to version of file saved on disk. Doesn't check whether
the window's really bound to a file or not, doesn't ask whether
to really revert if the window's dirty, does no redrawing, etc.
Just reports whether the file was read in successfully.
static Boolean Revert ()
Boolean result = false;
Integer f;
Longint len;
Handle h;
DoCursor (watchCursor);
if (FSOpen (editFile.fName, editFile.vRefNum, &f) != noErr)
ErrMesg ("\pCouldn't open file");
(void) GetEOF (f, &len);
if (len >= 32000)
ErrMesg ("\pFile is too big");
h = TEGetText (editTE);
SetHandleSize (h, len);
HLock (h);
(void) FSRead (f, &len, *h);
HUnlock (h);
(**editTE).teLength = len;
TESetSelect (0L, 0L, editTE); /* set caret at start */
result = true;
SetDirty (false);
(void) FSClose (f);
DoCursor (iBeamCursor);
return (result);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Lowest-level Interface (Public) Routines */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
Return true/false to indicate whether the window is really an
edit window.
Boolean IsEWindow (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
# ifdef singleEdit
return (theWind == editWind && editWind != nil);
# else
return (GetEInfo (theWind) != nil);
# endif
Return true/false to indicate whether the text associated with
the window has been changed since the last save/revert (or since
created, if not bound to file).
Boolean IsEWindowDirty (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle eInfo;
if ((eInfo = GetEInfo (theWind)) != nil)
return ((**eInfo).dirty);
# else
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
return (dirty);
# endif
return (false);
Return a handle to the TextEdit record associated with the edit
window, or nil if it's not an edit window
TEHandle GetEWindowTE (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle eInfo;
if ((eInfo = GetEInfo (theWind)) != nil)
return ((**eInfo).editTE);
# else
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
return (editTE);
# endif
return (nil);
Return true/false depending on whether the editor is bound to
a file or not, and a copy of the file info in the second
argument. Pass nil for fileInfo if only want the return status.
Returns false if it's not an edit window.
Boolean GetEWindowFile (theWind, fileInfo)
WindowPtr theWind;
SFReply *fileInfo;
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle eInfo;
if ((eInfo = GetEInfo (theWind)) != nil)
if (fileInfo != nil)
*fileInfo = (**eInfo).editFile;
return ((**eInfo).bound);
# else
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
if (fileInfo != nil)
*fileInfo = editFile;
return (bound);
# endif
return (false);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interface Display Routines */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Install event notification procedures for an edit window.
SetEWindowProcs (theWind, pKey, pActivate, pClose)
WindowPtr theWind;
ProcPtr pKey;
ProcPtr pActivate;
ProcPtr pClose;
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle eInfo;
# endif
if (theWind == nil) /* reset window creation defaults */
e_key = pKey;
e_activate = pActivate;
e_close = pClose;
# ifndef singleEdit
if ((eInfo = GetEInfo (theWind)) != nil)
(**eInfo).eKey = pKey;
(**eInfo).eActivate = pActivate;
(**eInfo).eClose = pClose;
# else
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
eKey = pKey;
eActivate = pActivate;
eClose = pClose;
# endif
Change the text display characteristics of an edit window
and redisplay it.
Scroll to home position before overhauling, because although
the overhaul sets the viewRect to display an integral number
of lines, there's no guarantee that the destRect offset will
also be integral except at home position. Clipping is set to
an empty rect so the scroll doesn't show.
SetEWindowStyle (theWind, font, size, wrap, just)
WindowPtr theWind;
Integer font;
Integer size;
Integer wrap;
Integer just;
GrafPtr savePort;
FontInfo f;
register TEHandle te;
Rect r;
Integer oldWrap;
if (theWind == nil) /* reset window creation defaults */
e_font = font;
e_size = size;
e_wrap = wrap;
e_just = just;
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
GetPort (&savePort);
SyncGlobals (theWind); /* sync and set port */
te = editTE;
ScrollToHome ();
oldWrap = (**te).crOnly;
(**te).crOnly = wrap; /* set word wrap */
TESetJust (just, te); /* set justification */
TextFont (font); /* set the font and point size */
TextSize (size); /* of text record */
GetFontInfo (&f);
(**te).lineHeight = f.ascent + f.descent + f.leading;
(**te).fontAscent = f.ascent;
(**te).txFont = font;
(**te).txSize = size;
OverhaulDisplay (true, (oldWrap >= 0 || wrap >= 0));
SetPort (savePort);
Redo display. Does not save current port. This is used by hosts
that mess with the text externally to TransEdit. The arguments
determine whether the text is scrolled to show the line with the
caret, whether the lineStarts are recalculated, and whether the
text should be marked dirty or not.
EWindowOverhaul (theWind, showCaret, recalc, dirty)
WindowPtr theWind;
Boolean showCaret;
Boolean recalc;
Boolean dirty;
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
SyncGlobals (theWind);
OverhaulDisplay (showCaret, recalc);
DrawControls (editWind);
SetDirty (dirty);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Menu Interface Routine */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Do Edit menu selection. This is only valid if an edit
window is frontmost.
EWindowEditOp (item)
Integer item;
if (SystemEdit (item - 1))
if (!IsEWindow (FrontWindow ()))
return; /* host messed up */
SyncGlobals (FrontWindow ());
switch (item)
cut selection, put in TE Scrap, clear clipboard and put
TE scrap in it
case cut:
TECut (editTE);
(void) ZeroScrap ();
(void) TEToScrap ();
copy selection to TE Scrap, clear clipboard and put
TE scrap in it
case copy:
TECopy (editTE);
(void) ZeroScrap ();
(void) TEToScrap ();
get clipboard into TE scrap, put TE scrap into edit record
case paste:
(void) TEFromScrap ();
TEPaste (editTE);
delete selection without putting into TE scrap or clipboard
case clear:
(void) TEDelete (editTE);
AdjustDisplay ();
SetDirty (true);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interface File Routines */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Set file creator for any files created by TransEdit
SetEWindowCreator (creat)
OSType creat;
creator = creat;
Save the contents of the given window
Boolean EWindowSave (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
return (SaveFile (theWind, /* window to save */
false, /* don't ask for file if have one */
true)); /* bind to new file if one given */
Save the contents of the given window under a new name
and bind to that name.
Boolean EWindowSaveAs (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
return (SaveFile (theWind, /* window to save */
true, /* ask for file even if have one */
true)); /* bind to new file if one given */
Save the contents of the given window under a new name, but
don't bind to the name.
Boolean EWindowSaveCopy (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
return (SaveFile (theWind, /* window to save */
true, /* ask for file even if have one */
false)); /* don't bind to file */
Close the window. If it's dirty and is either bound to a file
or (if not bound) has some text in it, ask about saving it first,
giving user option of saving changes, tossing them, or
cancelling altogether.
Return true if the file was saved and the window closed, false if
user cancelled or there was an error.
Boolean EWindowClose (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
if (IsEWindow (theWind) == false)
return (false);
SyncAllGlobals (theWind);
if ( (bound || (**editTE).teLength > 0) && dirty)
switch (FakeAlert ("\pSave changes to \"", editFile.fName,
"\p\"?", "\p", 3, 3,
"\pCancel", "\pDiscard", "\pSave")) /* ask whether to save */
case 1: /* cancel Close */
return (false);
case 2: /* toss changes */
case 3:
if (SaveFile (editWind, /* window to save */
false, /* don't ask for name */
false) /* don't bind to name */
== false)
return (false); /* cancelled or error - cancel Close */
SkelRmveWind (editWind);
return (true);
Revert to saved version of file on disk. theWind must be an edit
window, and must be bound to a file. Returns false if one of these
conditions is not met, or if they are met but there was an error
reading the file.
The window need not be dirty, but if it is, the user is asked
whether to really revert.
Boolean EWindowRevert (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
if (!IsEWindow (theWind))
return (false);
SyncAllGlobals (theWind);
if (!bound)
return (false); /* no file to revert to */
if (dirty)
if (FakeAlert ("\p\"", editFile.fName,
"\p\" has been changed. Really revert?",
"\p", 2, 1, "\pCancel", "\pRevert", "\p") == 1)
return (false);
if (Revert () == false)
return (false);
ScrollToHome ();
OverhaulDisplay (true, true);
DrawControls (editWind);
ValidRect (&editWind->portRect);
return (true);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interface Initialization/Termination Routines */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Initialize the window and associated data structures.
Return window pointer or nil if some sort of error.
Preserves the current port.
WindowPtr NewEWindow (bounds, title, visible, behind,
goAway, refNum, bindToFile)
Rect *bounds;
StringPtr title;
Boolean visible;
WindowPtr behind;
Boolean goAway;
Longint refNum;
Boolean bindToFile;
GrafPtr savePort;
Rect r;
OSType type = 'TEXT';
Str255 s, s2;
StringPtr tPtr;
# ifndef singleEdit
register EIHandle eInfo;
# endif
# ifdef singleEdit
if (editWind != nil) /* allow only one window at a time */
return (nil);
# endif
If supposed to bind to file, ask for name. Return without doing
anything if Cancel button clicked.
if (bindToFile)
SFGetFile (dlogWhere, "\p", nil, 1, &type, nil, &editFile);
if (!editFile.good)
return (nil);
bound = bindToFile;
Create window and install handler. Set window title: If window is
to be bound to file, use name of file. Otherwise use any title that
was passed in. If nil was passed, use a default name ("Untitled nnn").
Also copy the name into the file info structure even if the window is
unbound, because the Save operations expect to find it there as the
most likely name to use if the window is untitled.
Save and restore port, because it gets reset by the rest of the
initialization code.
if (bound)
tPtr = editFile.fName;
if (title != nil)
tPtr = title;
# ifndef singleEdit
BlockMove ("\pUntitled ", s, 10L);
NumToString ((Longint) ++windID, s2);
BlockMove (&s2[1], &s[10], (Longint) s2[0]);
s[0] += s2[0];
tPtr = s;
# else
tPtr = (StringPtr) "\pUntitled";
# endif
BlockMove (tPtr, editFile.fName, (Longint) (tPtr[0] + 1));
editWind = NewWindow (nil, bounds, tPtr, false, documentProc + 8,
behind, goAway, refNum);
GetPort (&savePort);
SkelWindow (editWind, /* the window */
Mouse, /* mouse click handler */
Key, /* key click handler */
Update, /* window updating procedure */
Activate, /* window activate/deactivate procedure */
Close, /* window close procedure */
Clobber, /* window disposal procedure */
Idle, /* idle proc */
true); /* idle only when frontmost */
Build the scroll bar.
CalcScrollRect (&r);
editScroll = NewControl (editWind, &r, "\p", true, 0, 0, 0,
scrollBarProc, 0L);
Create the TE record used for text display. Use default
GetEditRect (&r);
editTE = TENew (&r, &r);
SetClikLoop (AutoScroll, editTE); /* set autoscroll proc */
# ifndef singleEdit
Get new information structure, attach to list of known edit
eInfo = New (EditInfo);
editInfo = eInfo;
(**eInfo).eNext = ewList;
ewList = eInfo;
(**eInfo).editWind = editWind;
(**eInfo).scroll = editScroll;
(**eInfo).editTE = editTE;
(**eInfo).bound = bound;
(**eInfo).editFile = editFile;
# endif
Install default event notification procedures, font characteristics.
SetEWindowProcs (editWind, e_key, e_activate, e_close);
SetEWindowStyle (editWind, e_font, e_size, e_wrap, e_just);
SetDirty (false);
If supposed to read file, do so. Check the return value of
Revert and toss the window if there was an error.
if (bindToFile && Revert () == false)
SkelRmveWind (editWind);
SetPort (savePort);
return (nil);
Show window if specified as visible, and return a pointer to it.
SyncGlobals (editWind);
OverhaulDisplay (true, true);
if (visible)
ShowWindow (editWind);
SetPort (savePort);
return (editWind);
Look through the list of windows, shutting down all the edit
windows. If any window is dirty, ask user about saving it first.
If the user cancels on any such request, ClobberEWindows returns
false. If all edit windows are shut down, return true. It is
then safe for the host to exit.
When a window *is* shut down, have to start looking through the
window list again, since theWind no longer points anywhere
Boolean ClobberEWindows ()
WindowPtr theWind;
for (;;)
for (theWind = FrontWindow ();
theWind != nil;
theWind = (WindowPtr) ((WindowPeek) theWind)->nextWindow)
if (IsEWindow (theWind))
if (theWind == nil)
return (true); /* all edit windows are shut down */
if (theWind != FrontWindow ())
SelectWindow (theWind);
ShowWindow (theWind);
EWindowOverhaul (theWind, false, false, IsEWindowDirty (theWind));
SetPort (theWind);
ValidRect (&theWind->portRect);
if (EWindowClose (theWind) == false)
return (false); /* cancel or error */